Our Story and Process

High quality malt is not possible without high quality grains. We have close ties to our farm partners to source the grains we use for malting, and help manage the planting and growing process. From the time planting occurs, careful attention is paid to soil conditions and any risks posed by disease. At the end of the growing season, the crop is harvested at the optimal time based on conditions.

Part of our process is ongoing experimentation with different varieties of malt barley and other grains. Not all grain is the same, and new (and old) varieties have potential to open up new flavours.

Before malting can begin at our malthouse in Slemon Park, PEI, we assess the grain. Tests are run to confirm that the grain is disease free and that key parameters like protein and kernel weight are on target. Germination testing is one of the most important stages, and confirms that the grain will grow as required for the malting process. Any grain that does not pass our testing is sold as feed — nothing is wasted, but the best grains are kept for malting.

Our malting process occurs in an enclosed system. This allows us to best control the key factors for malting: moisture, temperature, and humidity. Depending on the grain, malting can take from 5-7 days to complete. Once the malt is kilned, we bag it and ship it off to our discerning customers to make high quality beers and spirits with!